So I am caught in a revolving door - I bravely filled in the option to set up my own flicker account to share a series of photo's showing evidence of alian life in the Natural Sciences Library. Cool I can use my google account to set up a flicker account. But everytime I try to sign in - it tells me that I have signed into Yahoo successfully. However the connection between my google account and my yahoo account has failed so please sign out and sign in again with the google account. Same message every time. (maybe I should be using the beta version of the April 1st GMAIL Motion or Google Docs Motion - (very cute - I like the pictures) I fear it will be gone April 2nd.)
Maybe the network is a little busy or something - I will try this again. Meanwhile I will try and see if I can find some more evidence of alien life here ;-)
UPDATE - we have contact!/
I saw the video for gmail motion, so nice and professional. :P