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moved to Saskatoon for 10 months in 1984....put down a tap root.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another great book

Today's book is Green Glory by Richard St. Barbe Baker - I was reminded of St. Barbe Baker recently when I started looking for material to support a display for International Year the Forests - he is a hero in the world of tree planting - an environmentalist before the term was coined - he was among the first hundred students to enrole at U of S and is buried in Woodlawn Cemetary.  But in the years between - he travelled the world planting trees and encouraging people to plant trees on a massive scale. One of his great ideas was to employ armies to start reclaiming the Sahara by planting trees.  To find out more check out this website

1 comment:

  1. Kate - I've enjoyed your reviews and with luck your efforts throughout 23 things will inspire me to take the time to read a few of your titles
